You may move Lazarus III to the hard disk. This will allow you to access it with greater ease than using floppy disks. These instructions assume you are moving Lazarus III to a ProFile (with a driver name .PROFILE). Substitute the name of your hard disk driver for .PROFILE if you wish to install Lazarus on a different hard disk. NOTE: Lazarus III uses quite a bit of computer memory. Due to this a "STACK OVERFLOW" error may occur when invoking it from Catalyst. To avoid this condition, make the Apple II disk routines in the Pascal NOT resident by selecting "OPTIONS" from the Pascal Command Line. COPY PROCEDURE 1. Boot the CATALYST diskette (if you haven't already). 2. From the main CATALYST menu, select the Systems Utilities Program. 3. Press "F" for File Handling Commands. 4. Press "M" for Make a New Subdirectory. 5. Enter ".PROFILE/CATALYST/LAZARUS". 7. Press ESCAPE. 8. Put the LAZARUS PROGRAM diskette in the internal drive. 9. Press "C" to copy files. 10. Copy only the SYSTEM.STARTUP file from your PROGRAM disk to ".PROFILE/CATALYST/LAZARUS/SYSTEM.STARTUP" 11. When this file has been copied, Press ESCAPE. ADDING LAZARUS III TO THE CATALYST MENU 1. Return to the Catalyst main menu. 2. Select the Catalyst Editor. 3. Enter "E" to edit the menu. 4. Use the up and down arrow keys to position the inverse bar over the entry you want the program to precede. Press "A" to ADD a program entry. 5. You will be asked for the display name of this program, enter "LAZARUS III". 6. Enter "CATALYST/PASCAL" as the interpreter path name. 7. You will be asked if you want "EXTRA DRIVERS". Press RETURN. 8. Press RETURN for standard character set. 9. Press RETURN for the normal screen. 10. Press RETURN for the default keyboard. 11. Press RETURN for the initial prefix. 12. Enter "3" for the "Max Files Allowed..." question. 13. Enter ".PROFILE/CATALYST/LAZARUS/SYSTEM.STARTUP" for the program path. 14. You will be asked if this entry is correct. If it is, enter "Y" then press ESCAPE to exit to the main edit menu. If you made any mistakes during entry, enter "N". You may then enter the number of the item you wish to correct. When all items are correct, press ESCAPE. Press ESCAPE again to exit to the main edit menu. 15. Enter "5" to update the INTERPS file. When you are asked if you want to recalculate the load address, enter "N". 16. Exit to the Catalyst main menu by entering "Q". NOTE: Apple Computer Inc. is not responsible for the contents of this article.