BEFORE YOU START: Remove all peripherals cards from the Apple III to eliminate them as possible problem causes and boot the computer. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The Apple III displays the Diagnostic RAM/ROM Test when booted. The RAM/ROM test is displayed as a Matrix of dots located at the upper left corner of the screen display. The Apple III will automatically display inverse "1"s (indicating bad memory chip/s) in the Diagnostic RAM/ROM Test if it has a "real" memory problem (which this problem isn't). With this problem, there are no inverse "1"s in the matrix of dots. If there are inverse "1"s, refer to the Tech Procedures for help in isolating the memory problem. CAUSE: If inverse 1's are NOT displayed, the Apple III may have a keyboard problem or the power lamp may be burned out. CURE: 1. Make sure that the keyboard is properly connected to the logic PCB. 2. If the keyboard is properly connected, check the power on lamp at the third key position from the lower left corner of the keyboard. If it is off, that is the problem so replace it. 3. If the lamp is OK, insert a boot disk into the internal drive and try to boot the system depressing just the Reset key. 4. If the system boots and seems to run normally, swap the keyboard. 5. If replacing the keyboard seems to cure the problem,try going go a step further and replace the Reset key. If this cure does not resolve the problem, go back to the Word Search screen and search on the product's name and HTS and GTS to obtain a General Troubleshooting procedure.