NEW FILE TRANSMISSION FEATURES Version 1.1 of Access III recognizes Pascal text files. It doesn't transmit the header, though it correctly expands the DLE sequences to the proper number of blanks. You can also queue any file for transmission at a later time: merely enter a "Q" when asked if your ready to transmit. The system prompts you to: Queue password (ESC-RET to abort)? Enter your password containing up to 16 characters for the password. After you enter the password and press RETURN, Access III displays: Waiting... Access III then compares every word it receives with the password you entered. Upon receiving the exact password from the RS232 port, the system immediately begins transmitting the file you queued. While Access III is waiting for the password to be sent, you're unable to use Access III. If necessary, abort the wait (or transmisson) by pressing the ESCAPE key. NEW ESCAPE SEQUENCES Access III has its own private escape sequences that are not part of the VT100 ANSI escape sequence set. These sequences are active ONLY when Access III is in ANSI mode. Access III private escape sequences follow the ANSI escape character format: they're followed by a special lead-in character and end with a unique terminator. The format is: ESC * Pn Ps @ Where ESC is the introductory escape character. The asterisk (*) represents special character lead-in that identifies the sequence as an Access III private escape sequence. Pn is a single digit parameter number, while Ps is a parameter string appears in the sequence soley to change the recording file name. The unique terminator is the "at sign" @ which is ASCII 64. In most of the examples of escape sequences, the characters in the sequence are separated by spaces for easier reading. No real escape sequence should ever contain embedded blanks. Doing so will have unpredictable consequences. The valid values for Pn are: Pn Meaning -- ------------------------------- 0 Turn recording off 1 Turn recording on 2 Turn the filter off 3 Turn the filter on 4 Change the recording file name TURN RECORDING OFF It is possible to have a remote computer turn recording on and off by sending Access III a special escape sequence. To turn recording off, simply have the remote computer send Access III the following characters, in the order shown: ESC * 0 @ ESC is the escape character (ASCII 27). TURN RECORDING ON To turn recording on, send Access III the following characters, in the order shown: ESC * 1 @ ESC is the escape character (ASCII 27). TURN THE FILTER OFF Upon receipt of the following characters, Access III turns the recording filter off: ESC * 2 @ ESC is the escape character (ASCII 27). TURN THE FILTER ON The following characters will cause Access III to turn the recording filter on: ESC * 3 @ ESC is the escape character (ASCII 27). CHANGE THE RECORDING FILE NAME This sequence causes Access III to close the old recording file and open a new one. The name of the new file is included in the sequence. It can be a block file pathname or a character device name. When Access III is done processing the sequence, it transmits a reply that indicates the success of the operation, or gives an error code that describes the difficulty. The sequence to change the recording file name is: ESC * 4 filename @ where ESC is the escape character (ASCII 27), and "filename" is a valid SOS pathname 30 characters in length or less. The sequence must contains NO embedded spaces and it must end with "@". Some sample sequences: ESC*4.SILENTYPE@ ESC*4/APPLCOM/TERMREC@ ESC*4/PROFILE/MYFILE.DATA@