The Apple III clock is accessible from machine language under CP/M. There are two call addresses in BIOS used to read and set the clock. Both use a common 18 byte area for returning the Date/Time or for setting the clock. If no clock is installed, the byte at 0DFE0H is 00H. To Set Clock: Call 0DF89H To Read Clock: Call 0DF86H Example: Friday, March 21, 1982, 1:27 PM and 41.234 seconds is represented as the ASCII string: "198203216132741234". Addresses Contents Hex ASCII Year: 0DFE0H 31 (1) 0DFE1H 39 (9) 0DFE2H 38 (8) 0DFE3H 32 (2) Month: 0DFE4H 30 (0) 0DFE5H 33 (3) Day: 0DFE6H 32 (2) 0DFE7H 31 (1) Day of week: 0DFE8H 36 (6) (1=Sunday) Hour: 0DFE9H 31 (1) 0DFEAH 33 (3) Minute: 0DFEBH 32 (2) 0DFECH 37 (7) Second: 0DFEDH 34 (4) 0DFEEH 31 (1) Tenths: 0DFEFH 32 (2) Hundrenths: 0DFF0H 33 (3) Thousands: 0DFF1H 34 (4)