Pascal III: Error code summary

Pascal III: Error code summary

System Failures
        01      Re-entrant system call
        02      Interrupt not found
        03      Too many nested interrupts
        04      Unable to allocate NMI
        05      Event queue overflow
        06      Stack overflow
        07      Invalid request code
        08      Reserved
        09      Memory size less than 64K bytes
        0A      Invalid volume control block
        0B      Invalid file control block
        0C      Invalid allocation block
        0D      Pathname buffer overflow
        0F      Invalid buffer number
        10      Invalid buffer request
Pascal Execution Errors
         1      Value range error
         2      No procedure in segment table
         3      Exit from uncalled procedure
         4      Stack overflow
         5      Integer overflow
         6      Divide by zero
         7      NIL pointer reference
         8      Program interrupted by user
         9      System I/O error
        10      User I/O error
        11      Unimplemented instruction
        12      Floating point error
        13      String overflow
        14      Program HALT
        15      Programmed break-point
Pascal I/O Errors
         0      No error, normal I/O completion
         2      Bad unit number
         3      Illegal operation (e.g. read from Printer:)
         5      Lost unit, no longer on line
         6      Lost file, file no longer in directory
         7      Illegal pathname
         8      No room, insufficient space on diskette
         9      No unit, unit not on line
        10      No such file in specified directory
        11      Duplicate pathname
        12      Attempt to open an already open file
        13      Attempt to access a closed file
        14      Bad input format, error in reading number
        15      Ring buffer overflow, input arriving too fast
        16      Write protect error, diskette is protected
        19      Too many files open for system to handle
        32      (SOS) Invalid request code
        34      (SOS) Invalid control parameter list
        35      (SOS) Character device not open
        36      (SOS) Device not available
        37      (SOS) Resource not available
        44      (SOS) Invalid byte count
        45      (SOS) Invalid block number
        48..63  (SOS) Device specific error
        64      (SOS) Device error, bad address or bad data on
        65      (SOS) Too many character files open
        66      (SOS) Too many block files open
        67      (SOS) Invalid file reference number
        73      (SOS) Directory full
        74      (SOS) Incompatible file format
        75      (SOS) Unsupported storage type
        76      (SOS) Attempted read past end of file
        77      (SOS) File position out of range
        78      (SOS) Illegal access attempted
        79      (SOS) User's buffer too small
        80      (SOS) File busy
        81      (SOS) Volume format neither SOS nor Apple II
        83      (SOS) Invalid value in list parameter
        84      (SOS) Out of memory for SOS system buffer
        85      (SOS) Buffer table full
        86      (SOS) Invalid system buffer parameter
        87      (SOS) Duplicate volume error
                (SOS) System call error
