Pascal III: Accessing the extra memory (2 of 5)

Pascal III: Accessing the extra memory (2 of 5)

        .PROC   Allocate,4
FindSeg .EQU    41
SegBase .EQU    Temp1
Bank    .EQU    Temp2
SegNum  .EQU    Temp3
NumPages .EQU    Temp4
        EnterProc RetAddr
        PULL    SegBase
        PULL    Bank
        PULL    SegNum
        PULL    NumPages
        P_A_Word NumPages,Pages
        SOSCall Find_Seg,Param
        BEQ     $1               ; If it worked,great
        SOSCall Find_Seg,Param   ; Else try again!
$1      BEQ     $2
        LDA     #0               ; 2 failures ==> return 0 pages
        STA     Pages
        STA     Pages+1
$2      LDA     SPage              ; Send back starting address
        LDY     #1                 ; in high byte!!
        STA     (SegBase),Y
        STA     (SegBase),Y
        A_P_Word Pages,NumPages
        A_P_Byte SBank,Bank
        A_P_Byte Seg,  SegNum
        Return  RetAddr
Param   .BYTE   06
SrchMde .BYTE   02      ; Can cross more than one boundary
SegId   .BYTE   30      ; First user segment?
Pages   .WORD
SBank   .BYTE
SPage   .BYTE
Seg     .BYTE
RetAddr .WORD
        .PROC DeAllocate,1
        ; PROCEDURE DeAllocate(SegNum:INTEGER); EXTERNAL;
Release_Seg .EQU    45
        EnterProc       RetAddr
        PULL            SegNum
        LDA             SegNum
        BEQ             Ret          ; Don't release all segs!
        SOSCALL         Release_Seg,Param
Ret     Return          RetAddr
Param   .BYTE   1
SegNum  .WORD           ; Only first byte used by SOS, but PULL
                        ; needs 2
RetAddr     .WORD
; This file contains an assembly language procedure which moves
; bytes from one bank to another.  Use this from Pascal to get
; access to the rest of the bank space in larger machines.
; This can allow you to do SOS Request-Seg calls and use
; that area for data storage for later use or to pass to an
; assembly procedure. This procedure does two slightly difficult
; things :
; 1. it avoids holes in bank memory map, and
; 2. it switches banks on both source and destination at the
;    right times.
; Pascal declaration is:
;    PROCEDURE FetchBytes(SrcBank:INTEGER;    Source:INTEGER;
;                         DstBank:INTEGER;    Dest:INTEGER;
;                         PageCount:INTEGER;  Count:INTEGER
;                         ); EXTERNAL;
; The procedure will copy 256*PageCount+Count bytes from
; Source (a bank pointer to bank pair starting with SrcBank) to
; Dest (a bank pointer to bank pair starting with DstBank);
; A SrcBank or DstBank of -1 means "in Pascal's bank pair"
; Thus FetchBytes(-1,Atsign(S),-1,Atsign(D),0,C)  ==
;   MoveLeft(S,D,C)
;   1. Equivalent to a moveleft (ascending transfer)
;   2. Cannot reach top and bottom (system) banks,
;       and "real" addresses must be offset
;       by $2000 to render bank addresses
;   1.   If we're moving  X*65535 +Y*256 + Z bytes, then
;   2.   First move Y pages to clear middle byte of Count
;   3.   Then use middle byte to move X*256 pages,
;   4.   Finally, move Z bytes in last page.
; ==============================================================
; MACRO Defs
        .MACRO PULL
        STA     %1
        STA     %1+1
        .MACRO PUSH
        LDA     %1+1
        LDA     %1
