Apple III Serial Port: Pinouts: IDS 125, 225, 440, 445, 460, 560

Apple III Serial Port: Pinouts: IDS 125, 225, 440, 445, 460, 560

Apple III Serial Port            Cable       Printer Connector
Frame Ground ............(FG)...... 1
Transmit Data            (Tx) ..... 2  <----->  3.....(Rx)
Receive Data             (Rx) ..... 3
Request to send          (RTS) .... 4
Clear To Send            (CTS) .... 5
Data Set Ready           (DSR) .... 6  <----->  20....(DTR)
Signal Ground ...........(SG)...... 7  <----->  7.....(SG)
Data Carrier Detect      (DCD) .... 8
Secondary Clear To Send  (SCTS) ... 19
Data Terminal Ready      (DTR) .... 20
