APPLE-3-WAP-emm-01a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-emm-01b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: Original Apple // Emulation Disk DISK # : APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-01 Bootable: Yes (with Control+Reset) This is the ORIGINAL Apple // emulation disk! Vintage 1980 - it will only allow you to load Applesoft or Integer Basic before booting a 48k (or smaller) disk (the emulation program is on both sides and is NOT readable by SOS.) To use: Simply insert into the internal disk drive and do a cold or warm boot.
APPLE-3-WAP-emm-02a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-emm-02b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: APPLE // EMULATION MODE DISK #2 DISK # : APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-02 BOOTABLE: Both Sides On side one of this disk you will find information about the Apple ///'s emulation mode. We have included a 3EZ Pieces/AppleWorks data base of articles about all aspects of emulation mode (including the Titan cards). This has also been turned into an ASCII file, so that you may read it using our Menu.Maker program. We've also included other information you might find useful when dealing with Apple // Emulation Mode: -: Side One -: CURSOR.MOD :Modify your Cursor /// Joystick to work in emulation mode -: EM.MODE.ASCII :Where to find articles on emulation mode (ASCII/Text) -: EM.MODE.INFO :A basic manual/tutorial on emulation mode -: EM.MODE.QS :Commonly asked questions/answers about emulation mode -: EMULATION.MODE :3EZ Pieces/AppleWorks data base of articles on Em Mode -: MONITOR.RESET :Modify your emulation disk to allow reset to monitor -: READ.ME.FIRST :About this disk On side two, you will find the "second" 48K emulation disk. It is NOT catalogable. But it IS copyable. Simply boot it first, then place any Apple // DOS 3.3 disk that says it will work with 48K of memory, and you're off. The 48K emulation disk includes a menu that allows you to either boot the Apple // disk, or change Apple // parameters. You can boot with either Applesoft or Integer Basic as you desire, and make other changes. Many of the disks in the WAP Apple // library will work in emulation mode provided they are DOS 3.3 disks and require a maximum of 48K memory. ProDos disks will not work. For that, you will need to find the Titan ///+//e cards - perhaps from another ///er or at a garage sale or vendor (they are no longer made.) (UPDATED 1/15/95)
APPLE-3-WAP-emm-03a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-emm-03b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: APPLE // EMULATION MODE DISK 3 DISK # : APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-03 Bootable: Side One - Yes Side Two - Yes (with Control+Reset) This is the third Apple /// Emulation disk placed into the Public Domain by Washington Apple Pi's /// SIG. As with disk APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-02, you will find some additional information about the Apple ///'s Emulation Mode on side one. Menu.Maker will let you read that information (as you are reading this) and print it if you would like. On side two, you will find the so-called 2.0 Emulation disk. It is NOT catalogable. But it IS copyable. This program has a date of 9-8-82 on it and was designed to overcome the old 48K limit. It uses both upper and lower case. It will, under some circumstances, run Apple // software of up to about 64K. This program consists of two configuration menus. The first resembles the first Emulation Disk (1043). The second provides several new choices such as "Boot PROMS, Monitor, Font, Reset, etc." (See the file Em.Mode.Info for more details.) To use, turn this disk over and hit the <CONTROL> and <RESET> keys at the same time. Then place your Apple // disk in the internal drive, make your selections, and you're off. Many of the disks in the WAP Apple // library will work in emulation mode provided they are DOS 3.2/3.3 disks and require a maximum of 64K memory (remember, though that not all disks that say 64K will work...you'll just have to try them.) ProDos disks will not work. For that, you will need the Titan ///+//e cards, which are no longer available commercially. (For more info on that, see the file Titan.Cards.)
APPLE-3-WAP-emm-04a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-emm-04b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: TITAN ///+// EMULATION DISK DISK # : APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-04 Bootable: Side One: Yes Side Two: Yes (Requires Titan ///+// Card) Owners of the Titan ///+// card may find this disk useful as a backup - since it includes the original boot disk for the Titan ///+// Card. Side One: Information about the Titan cards including: a 3EZP/AW Data base of articles published about the Titan Cards and a Data Base of material pertaining to the Titan cards in the WAP PD library. Also: This READ.ME.FIRST file and a RAM DISK Driver you can use with this card in native mode (requires System Utilites to add to your SOS.DRIVER file.) The manual says that "the SOS RAM Disk functions just like any other disk driver: Files can be saved and retrieved and certain applications will use if for mass storage (like a communications program.) Files can be transfered just as if you were using any other disk drive." But you are also reminded to save any important files on a regular floppy drive before rebooting or turning the power off! Side Two: Contains the actual Boot Disk for the Titan ///+// Card. It is copyable using Apple /// System Utilities but (since it's DOS 3.3) it is not readable under SOS. Dave Ottalini /// SIG Co-Chairman April, 1993 (Update January 14, 1995)
APPLE-3-WAP-emm-05a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-emm-05b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME : TITAN ///+// EMULATION DISK WITH PRODOS RAM DISK DISK # : APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-05 BOOTABLE : Side One - With Titan ///+// Cards : Side Two - In Emulation Mode or Apple /// Native Mode This disk continues our efforts at placing Apple /// software into the public domain. Owners of the Titan ///+// card may find this disk useful as a backup. It offers the standard ///+// boot disk but includes with it a 64K ProDos Ram Disk on bootup. A native mode RAM disk for use with this disk is on disk APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-04. The Titan manual says you can configure the RAM disk by using the ProDos utilities disk (found on this side): 1) Boot ProDos 2) Run the ProDos Filer (Utilites) by selecting F 3) Select the VOLUME COMMANDS option 4) Select FORMAT a volume (F) 5) Type 5 in the slot number and type in a name of your choice for the RAM disk (A good choice: /RAM) 6) Type Y in the destroy option 7) Press ESCAPE twice - returning you to the main menu. 8) Select FILE COMMAND option (F) 9) Use Copy Files (C) to move desired Files to the RAM Disk. You can now use the RAM Disk like any other. But when finished, remember to save any files in the RAM disk to a floppy or hardisk, as you'll lose the RAM disk when shutting down or going back to native mode. Side One: Contains the actual Boot Disk for the Titan ///+// Card. It is copyable using Apple /// System Utilities but (since it's DOS 3.3) it is not readable under SOS. Side Two: Includes the ProDos 1.01 version of the Apple 2 System Utilities - *PRODOS *BASIC.SYSTEM *FILER *STARTUP *CONVERT - DOS to ProDos AppleSoft Program *MOIRE - Graphic AppleSoft Program *HYPNOSIS- Graphic AppleSoft Program *ANIMALS - Fun AppleSoft Program We've also included SOS.INTERP and Menu.Maker on this side if you wish to boot from another Apple /// Business Basic Disk or from Selector or Catalyst. Also see: Read.Me.First - This file - which contains some basic information about this disk. We also commend to you disk APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-04 which contains two data bases of information about the Titan cards - a 3EZP/AW Data base of articles published about the Titan Cards and a Data Base of material pertaining to the Titan cards in the WAP PD library. Dave Ottalini /// SIG Co-Chairman April 1993 Updated January 15, 1995
APPLE-3-WAP-emm-06a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-emm-06b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: TITAN ///+//E EMULATION DISK DISK # : APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-06 BOOTABLE: SIDE ONE - YES SIDE TWO - YES WITH TITAN ///+//e CARDS This disk continues our efforts at placing all Apple /// software into the public domain. Owners of the Titan ///+//e cards may find this disk useful as a backup. Side One: Information about the Titan cards including: a 3EZP/AW Data base of articles published about the Titan Cards and a Data Base of material pertaining to the Titan cards in the WAP PD library. Also: This READ.ME.FIRST file. Side Two: Contains the actual Boot Disk for the Titan ///+//e Card. It is copyable using Apple /// System Utilities but (since it's DOS 3.3) it is not readable under SOS. ALSO: a RAM DISK Driver you can use with these cards in native mode (requires System Utilites to add to your SOS.DRIVER file.) The manual says that "the SOS RAM Disk functions just like any other disk driver: Files can be saved and retrieved and certain applications will use if for mass storage (like a communications program.) Files can be transfered just as if you were using any other disk drive." But you are also reminded to save any important files on a regular floppy drive before rebooting or turning the power off! Dave Ottalini /// SIG Co-Chairman April 1993 Updated a tad: January 16, 1995
APPLE-3-WAP-emm-07a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-emm-07b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PD Library PDS NAME: Titan ///+//e - Version 1.1 PDS Disk: APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-07 BOOTABLE: SIDE ONE/TWO: YES WITH TITAN ///+//s CARDS (Both sides are the same) This version of the Titan ///+//e Emulation Disk has been updated a tad by ///er Matthew Thomas. He took the boot code from Block 00 and moved it to Block 01. The Block 00 code was then replaced with the ProDos Double Boot code - so that it will now boot either SOS or ProDos from this disk - you can place a program ON the emulation disk - either SOS or ProDos - and run it without having to switchout disks. Further - you can now LIST this disk. While you WON'T see the Titan file - you can see other files. Those included on this disk include: |File Name Blocks Modified Time File Type | | A3PLUS2E.DRVRS 1 9-Apr-93 14:21 Directory | BASIC.SYSTEM 21 17-Jul-90 14:20 ProDos Sys | MEMTEST.SYSTEM 5 8-Apr-93 19:39 ProDos Sys | PRODOS.8.1.8M 32 16-Feb-92 22:51 ProDos Sys | PRODOS 30 18-Sep-84 0:00 ProDos Sys MEMTEST.SYSTEM is a ProDos-based memory test program you can try. Many Thanks to Matthew Thomas for his help in making this program more useful! Dave Ottalini WAP /// SIG August, 1993 Updated a tad: January 16, 1995
APPLE-3-WAP-emm-08a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-emm-08b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: A2 BOOT DISK # : APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-08 BOOTABLE: WITH TITAN ///+//e Cards WELCOME! A2 BOOT is designed for Apple /// users of Titan's ///+//e Cards (although it can be used by anyone with an Apple //c or e or GS as well with a 5.25" drive). Basically, A2 BOOT tries to be a one-stop disk that provides many of the more useful utility programs found in the WAP Apple // Public Domain (some programs are shareware). TO USE THIS DISK (FOR APPLE /// USERS) You will have to boot the Titan ///+//e Boot Disk, replace that disk with A2 BOOT and then choose the "Apple //e" option from the Titan menu. You will find yourself being asked to run a menu program called "WINDOWS", run a program selector program called "Byrd's Better Bye" or simply quitting to Basic. WINDOWS is much like our own Menu.Maker program in that it will allow you to read and print text files, look at graphics files or run Basic files. It can do more, though. It will run any "SYSTEM" file (much like a SOS.INTERP file) and it will also read AppleWorks text files (and print them). Byrd's Better Bye gives you a selection of SYSTEM files you can run or "launch" depending on what you'd like to do. By the way, you can turn over this disk and press the <CONTROL> key and "M" key at the same time to get a catalog and run any program or read any file. Side Two also has the Windows menu program on it (but NOT ProDos). Some of these programs may require an "Enhanced Apple //e" to work. That means you will need to have a 65c02 chip installed in your motherboard (It replaces the original 6502A or B CPU (Central Processing Unit) chip). You can get one for less than $10.00 from: Jameco Electronics 1355 Shoreway Road Belmont, CA. 94002 (415)-592-8097 (Order Hotline) Send $2.00 for a catalog. They will be free after your first order. Be aware that Jameco requires a minimum order (seems to depend on ordering from ad or catalog). Need help to install this chip? Bring your /// to a SIG meeting (we meet quarterly). We'll be happy to do it for you! APPLE // USERS As with any other Apple // disk, simply place Side One of A2 BOOT into your 5.25" boot drive and boot the disk. WHAT'S ON THIS DISK Enough with the explanations! Here's what is on Side One: BASIC : AppleSoft Basic (ProDos version) BLU : A popular file compression program BLU.dskC : Documentation for BLU FREEWRITER : A PD version of Apple Writer by Paul Lutus FREEWTR.dskC : Documentation for Freewriter IIGIF : A popular program to convert GIF files to HiRes/Double HiRes formats (and then to Apple /// FOTO files) LUTUS.PRINTER : Printer program by Paul Lutus. PD.TERMS : WAP's Lee Raesly explains the differences in PD software PRODOS : Version 1.8 of ProDos Operating System (Apple // equivalent of SOS.Kernel) WINDOWS : The program you are using now. It is a text file reader and Program Selector (If you select an entry - by highlighting it - and depress return - it will show it to you on the screen (where you can also print it to your printer with the command shown to the right of the previous screen (CNTRL P - That is depress the key marked control, and holding it down depress the P). Go back to the previous screen by depressing the key marked esc and check out the commands you can use or run it if it is a program. WINDOWS uses DOGPAW (a ProDOS extension (that is, it adds itself to ProDOS to give extra commands that can be used by various programs - such as WINDOWS!)) (Also found on Side Two) And on Side Two: FASTCOPY : A fastcopy disk utility GRAFE : GRAFE is an Applesoft BASIC program that allows the editing of random-access text (TXT) files under ProDOS. GRAFE.dskC : Documentation for Grafe IIGIF.dskCS : Documentation for GIF UNSHRINK : Free version of Shrinkit that will UNshrink many files compressed using Shrinkit or other similar Apple // archive program. UNSHRINK.README : Documentation for Shrinkit SPLITTER : ProDos Text File Splitter program: Run from Basic TEX.dskC : Documentation for Tex TEX2.01 : TEXt File Helper: Use it to read, append, delete text files and more. The TEXt File Helper program will (among other things) allow you to "Type" (read) any of the DOC files on this disk from your screen. The Startup (Printer) program will print them for you if you desire (or use AppleWriter or other word processing program (including FREEWRITER)). Note also that some of these programs use MouseText graphics, which are not available from the Titan ///+//e emulation mode. Don't worry about it. The screen may look a bit weird, but text is readable and programs run fine. Also be aware that if you have a ProFile card installed in your ///, and it has been modified to run under ///+//e emulation, this disk will not boot. In fact, you will only be able to run (up to) ProDos version 1.1.1. You will have to take the Profile card out or place a 1.1.1 version of Prodos on a copy of this disk (ah the little things you learn through long hours of frustration!). Compiled by Dave Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman July 7, 1990 January 21, 1995
APPLE-3-WAP-emm-09a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-emm-09b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: DOUBLE BOOT DISK # : APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-09 BOOTABLE: YES I went about constructing this disk fairly objectively. I had read that putting together a "double-booting disk" should be easy: The book "Beneath Apple ProDos" (by Don Worth and Pieter Lechner) says this: "Block 1 on a ProDos volume contains the SOS boot loader. This program is loaded instead of Block 0 when booted on an Apple ///. It searchs the directory for SOS.KERNEL and loads it instead of ProDOS. This means that a diskette can be constructed which will boot either ProDOS or SOS and run an application on either an Apple // or Apple ///." And the book Inside Apple's ProDOS (by John Campbell) says: "... In Chapter nine it was mentioned that blocks 0 and 1 on a ProDOS diskette store the boot code. This code reads the operating system software and executes that code. What was not mentioned was that this boot code will run on either the Apple // computers or on an Apple ///. As you power up either an Apple // or Apple /// computer system, with a ProDOS diskette installed, the boot code read into memory and executed is loaded at 2048=$800. The first item of business for this boot code is to determine whether the software is running on an Apple // or an Apple /// computer system. Once this code makes that determination, then either: -PRODOS, for the Apple // family -SOS.KERNEL for the Apple /// computer will be loaded. If the correct file is not found for the computer being used, an error message is displayed. The implication of this is that a single application may be written and placed on a single diskette that could be run on either computer. This single diskette could then be sold to owners of either Apple // computers or Apple /// computers." So I decided to try it. After formating a disk, I copied ProDOS and Basic.System, then the three SOS files. It didn't work. It would boot on one machine but not the other. I tried copying the SOS files first, but that didn't work either. Then I remembered that Frank Moore of Pair Software had issued GoForth, a Forth language program, as a double-boot disk. I decided to take the lazy way out and copied the boot disk, replaced Forth.System with Basic.System and replaced SOS.Interp for the Basic Sos.Interp. It worked. A block editor did indeed show that the SOS boot code was in Block 1. I'm not quite sure why I could not do it by just formatting and copying but the end result is that we DO have a properly set-up double-boot disk that you might enjoy trying out. On Side One is this file and all the others that go into making a /// SIG boot disk. On the ProDOS side, you'll find the 1.1.1 version for ///ers who have Titan ///+//e cards. If you have a //e or GS, you can replace it with a later version. A WAP ProDOS menu program is also included. On Side Two you'll find just the three SOS boot files and the two ProDOS boot files. Copy the volume and then replace the Interp or System files as needed. But in the end, you'll have a disk that can be used on either machine. Obviously there will be some space limitations due to the overhead of all the files. But we think you'll find this disk interesting and useful! Dave Ottalini WAP /// SIG March 26, 1990 JANUARY 16, 1995
APPLE-3-WAP-emm-10a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-emm-10b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: MODIFIED 48K/64K APPLE ][ EMULATION BY DALE WARNKE DISK ID : DISK APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-10 BOOTABLE? Yes - Side One Yes - Side Two with Titan ///+// Card Side One of this Apple ][ Emulation disk mades some changes to the old 48K emulation disk (just insert into .D1 and turn on your ///). Side Two makes many of the same changes (see additional note below) but can only be used with the Titan ///+// card. 1. EMULATION MENUS: The Apple ][ menus indentify the enhancements on this Apple ][ Emulation. 2. LOWER CASE CHARACTERS: The standard disk does not provide lower case characters and this version doesn't either; However, a version of the 48K Emulation having lower case is available. 3. SERIAL CARD: The original 48K Emulation disk is hardcoded for 300 baud, 7 bit, mark parity) and can be changed via the menu on the disk version. However, if put on the hard disk via Catalyst, the emulation menu routine does not update the code and the hardcode (300 baud) is always in effect. Catalyst 2.1 implements a menu routine which actually writes to the emulated ROM code but into the wrong places; Do NOT use the Catalyst 2.1 installed Emulation. This disk has its hardcode set to 1200 baud (still 7 bit, mark parity). 4. ESC+ cursor: In Business BASIC, the ESC cursor, screen edit mode is indicated by the flashing + character. With this patch, the Applesoft BASIC, Integer BASIC and Monitor ESC cursor, screen edit mode is indicated by a flashing Open-Apple character for DOS 3.3 (ProDOS intercepts this enhancement). (See the old Apple ][ Reference manual (bottom of Page 35) for the use of the ESC cursor, editing moves using the \IJKM\ keys; Standard for the Apple ][, the IJKM, under the ESC mode, work like the Apple /// cursor keys. This very handy for running Apple ][ programs directly from the catalog listing). (This patch is has the target locations, FECE.FEDA in place of the old WRITE tape code, FD11.FD14, FD2F.FD31, FBA2.FBA4, and FD39. See CALL A.P.P.L.E March 1983, p. 51). 5. RESET This modification allows the booting of another Apple ][ application disk without rebooting the Emulation Disk. To quit one apple ][ program disk, for example, one game to start another: Press the RESET key Insert the new application disk into the built-in drive and type (without the spaces): 6 CTL-P RETURN and the new disk will boot. This same procedure will allow recovery from a lockup of an Apple ][ program most of the time. (The RESET and NMI vectors are modified to point to the old Apple ][ monitor routine. This modification is at target locations FFFA.FFFD. See Softalk, July 1983, p. 219). 6. The Apple ][ + does not have UP and DOWN cursor keys. Thus the Apple ][ Emulation Disk for the Apple /// only worked with the LEFT and RIGHT cursor keys or with the JKLM cursor keys in ESCAPE Mode. This disk has been modified so the UP/DOWN cursor keys work in the ESCAPE mode. The JKLM cursor keys do NOT work in ESCAPE mode on this disk. The code changed to enable the UP and DOWN cursor keys is at the Apple ][ target locations: a) The table, XLTBL at FB11.FB18 b) The Code at FBA5.FBB2 c) FBB3:EA is and should not be changed; This location is used by some programs to identify the 48K Apple ][+ . d) The Code at FBB4.FBB7 Programs which make calls to the middle of the above code ranges may not function properly and may even lock up the System; However, such programs are expected to be the exception, not the rule. On Side Two: 64K Emulation Modifications. All the modifications mentioned above for the 48K emulation disk have also been made on the 64K emulation disk (for use with the Titan ///+//e card. Dale notes, however, that ProDos intercepts his "up/down" cursor patches. There are some other, undocumented, patches. This 64K version is still DOS by the way - copyable with System Utilities, but NOT readable.
APPLE-3-WAP-emm-11a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-emm-11b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: HOT ROD III UTILITIES - COMPILED BY DALE WARNKE DISK ID : DISK APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-11 BOOTABLE? Yes - In Apple II Emulation Mode "Hot Rod ///" was a series of articles written by George Oetzel in the old Shoptalk Magazine from July through September, 1983. Full texts are available from the WAP Office. But basically, the articles concerned themselves with the Apple /// emulation mode - and how to soup it up. As Oetzel himself wrote: "With a little imagination, you can make the Apple /// emulate some versions of the Apple II that the company never built. That's where the excitement begins." This disk includes the Hot Rod /// utilities and programs described by George Oetzel in his articles. There are also some programs from Call A.P.P.L.E. Many, many thanks to Dale Warnke, PhD for making this disk available to us. You can contact him directly at (714)-786-8249. Both sides are copyable using System Utilities in native mode, or Copy II Plus or other Apple II utility. REMEMBER to set your language to "Integer" at the Emulation Menu before running side one of this disk (Both sides are DOS 3.3) THESE PROGRAMS ARE NOT FOR THE NOVICE!!! BUT - IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT THE APPLE II EMULATION MODE ON THE /// - THIS IS AN EXCELLENT PLACE TO START. Side One: DOS 3.3 version - Integer Basic HELLO (says) : "Hot Rod II disk modification program utilities in sequential order from George Oetzel's Hot Rod /// series in Softalk." TRACKMOVER : The "centerpiece" program from the series. It is a patch program for Apple II emulation on an Apple ///. Basically, it reads from and writes to disks in Apple /// block order. Full disk tracks are transfered to and from memory. See the Softalk articles for full details. Char Edit : Examine and edit the character set. Chset : Displays the character set. PR7.Patch : Replaces the non-working code at target 700.7.FF PR7.Patch.dskc : This is a single serial ROM emulation to replace the non- (says) working code at target 700.7FF in the Tital ///+2 emulation disk. RDKEY2 : From Call A.P.P.L.E. in March of 83 (reads keypresses and returns ASCII codes). HYB.Utl : Hybrid emulation patch that includes color-text control, 1/2 MHz control and a video on/off switch. The Apple II emulation has complete control of the Apple III environment. KEYIN3 : Lowercase keyboard input routine for Apple II emulation. MONFIX1.OBJ : These four patch routines from the 2nd article are used MONFIX2.OBJ to modify the way the /// reads the joystick in emulation MONFIX3.OBJ mode. The are called "Paddle-Service" Routines. MONFIX4.OBJ MONMOD : (Believed to be) the already modifed track 9 of the emulation disk. PLEASE see articles (August 83) to be safe (page 91). PATTERN.300.OBJ: Program to locate byte patterns in Apple II memory. (August 83) SIDE 2 DOS 3.3 disk Programs from Side One converted to AppleSoft, plus a few others of interest.