APPLE-3-WAP-rep-01a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-rep-01b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Apple /// Confidence Disk DISK ID : APPLE-3-WAP-REP-01 BOOTABLE? Both Sides SIDE ONE: This is one of many disks designed to test your /// in various ways to help you trouble shoot software or hardware problems. Instructions for using this disk are on side one. SIDE TWO This contains the actual Confidence Disk program. Self-booting. Not Listable - but copyable with System Utilities.
APPLE-3-WAP-rep-02a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-rep-02b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Apple /// Diagnostics Disk/Block Editor Disk ID: APPLE-3-WAP-REP-02 BOOTABLE: Yes SIDE ONE: Another version of the Apple /// Diagnostics disk. Easy to use - but beware: the disk check program has been reported to be unreliable. SIDE TWO: The famous Mensch Block Edit Program. Allows you to view or change code at the root level. Not for the faint of heart!
APPLE-3-WAP-rep-03a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-rep-03b.dsk [Catalog] /// SIG PD LIBRARY By David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman PDS NAME: Apple ///+ Diagnostics/512K Memory Test DISK ID : APPLE-3-WAP-REP-03: BOOTABLE? Side One - With a ///+ Side Two - Requires 512K Memory Board Apple ///+ Diagnostics Disk/512K Memory Test - Two programs on this disk will help you determine the health of your ///+ and (if equipped) its 512K memory board. Both are written in Applesoft Basic under the old DOS 3.3 and are self-booting. The Apple ///+ Diagnostics is similar to, but a tad different from the Apple /// version in that the tests have been moved around a bit and it will check the health of your clock chip. The RAM test seems to be a bit better at identifying what chips may, in fact, be bad. Other than that, its the same as its earlier version. You could, in fact, run this test on a /// - just don't bother with the clock chip test. The 512K memory test is the one supplied by On Three and is an expanded version of the older Apple /// memory test found on the Confidence disk (APPLE-3-WAP-REP-01). It will, in fact, work on any Apple /// - it simply checks to see what memory is available, forgets what isn't and procedes with the test. When checking your ///'s memory, be sure to do it both from a cold boot and after its warmed up a bit. I've found that while problems occur while cold, they can go away after things have warmed up a bit. And don't be afraid to run this test overnight - problems can turn up over time that may not with just a few minutes of chip testing. Thanks to /// SIGer Rick Gast for contributing the ///+ Diagnostics disk.
APPLE-3-WAP-rep-04a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-rep-04b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Repairing Your Apple /// Disk ID: APPLE-3-WAP-REP-04 BOOTABLE? Side One Only A double-sided disk full of information related to problems experienced by Apple ///ers, and suggestions about how to fix them. On Side One: CLOCK (subdirectory): - BATTERY.BACKUP : How to install a battery backup. - CLOCK.KIT : How to install a clock chip. - SET.SPEED : How to increase the speed of your ///. - TIMESET.2000 : How to deal with the fact your /// can't count past 1999. DATA.BASES (subdirectory) - A3.REPAIRS : 3EZ Pieces/AppleWorks DB of Apple /// repair sources. - APPLE3.CHIPS: Chip locations on the ///'s motherboard (ASCII Text File) - REPAIR.BIB : 3EZP Bibliography of articles about repairing your ///. - REPAIRS.ASCII: Apple /// repair sources in ASCII Text form. READ.ME.FIRST: Information about this disk side. POWER.SUPPLY (subdirectory) - PS.dskCTOR :Discussion of some common power supply problems. - PS.dskCTOR2 :More PS problems and their solutions. - REPLACE.HOW.TO :How to replace your Apple /// power supply. - REPLACE.PS :Discussion about replacing a ///+ power supply. On Side Two: WHERE.TO.FIND (subdirectory): - PARTS :An article about finding parts for your Apple ///. A3.dskCTOR (subdirectory): - DIAGNOSIS :Some possible symptoms of a sick Apple /// and how to fix them. - SERIAL.PORT: Problems with your ///'s serial port and how to fix them. CABLES (subdirectory): - SERIAL.HOW.TO: Build a serial cable. DISK.DRIVES (subdirectory): -BYPASS.HOW.TO: How to bypass the write-protect switch. -LAMPS : How to replace the on/off lamp in your ///. -MS.A143 : Repairing the MicroSci A-143 disk drive. -QUESTIONS : Questions and answers about disk drive problems. -WONT.BOOT : What to do if your disk drive won't boot. HARD.DISKS (subdirectory): - BAD.BLOCKS :Marking out bad blocks on a Profile hard disk. - PROFILE.HOW.TO :How to take apart your Profile hard disk. JOYSTICK (subdirectory): - CURSOR.MOD :How to modify a Cursor /// to work in // mode. KEYBOARD (subdirectory): - DELETE.KEY :How to install a delete key in an Apple ///. MONITOR (subdirectory): - COMMANDS :Monitor command directory. MOTHERBOARD (subdirectory): - AILING.3 : Problems and answers for a sick Apple ///. - COMPAT.65C02 : Is the 65c02 chip compatible? - DYING.3 : Bringing back a dying Apple ///. NOISE (subdirectory) - RF.1 :Beware of RF (Radio Frequency) near your ///. RAM.CARD (subdirectory): - RAM.TEST :Testing the RAM in your ///. - UPGRADE.256K :How to upgrade your /// from 128 to 256K. SOFTWARE (subdirectory): - BACKUP.PROBLEMS: Dealing with Backup /// problems. - CONFIDENCE.DISK :Problems with the Apple /// Confidence Disk. - CONTROL.RESET :How to Control-Reset out of any program. - DTM.WJ :Using Desktop Manager with Word Juggler. SOFTWARE (subdirectory-continued): - EZP.FIXES :Problems and answers to 3EZ Pieces problems. - FILE.RECOVERY :Recovering lost files. - MACRO.MGR :Problems with On Three's Macro Manager. - RAM.DISK :RAM disk problems. - SYS.UTILS :Problems with System Utilites version 1.2x.
APPLE-3-WAP-rep-05a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-rep-05b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Brain Surgeon Disk ID: APPLE-3-WAP-REP-05 BOOTABLE? Side One Only Backup/// is rather notorious for its shortcomings. One serious one: when backing up a 16 meg volume from a CMC or other hard disk with some directory damage. If you try to restore, you'll get some bizarre Internal Error message, and a destroyed backup! One can avoid the deadly situation two ways. One: Get On Three's GoBack /// - a Backup /// replacment that works much better. Or, you can try Brain Surgeon, which can help if there is any situation in which your backup got cooked by virtue of the famed INTERNAL ERROR or some bad block situation or the like. Side One includes the documention for this program (readable with Menu.Maker), and Side Two contains Brain Surgeon (a self-booting Pascal program).
APPLE-3-WAP-rep-06a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-rep-06b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY JANUARY 1992 PDS NAME: Disk Map By Rick Sidwell Disk ID: APPLE-3-WAP-REP-06 SUBJECT: Repairs DESCRIPTION: This program is a hard disk directory fixer. Complete documentation included. -: -: On Side One: -: DISKMAP.dskC :Complete documentation for Disk Map. -: -: On Side Two: -: Disk Map program. Self booting (Pascal based).
APPLE-3-WAP-rep-07a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-rep-07b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG Public Domain Library PDS NAME : DISKCHECK and PROHEALTH Disk ID : APPLE-3-WAP-REP-07 BOOTABLE? Both Sides This disk has two programs you'll find to be very useful for protecting the health of your Profile/800K/floppy disk. Thanks to TAU (Third Apple Users Group) for these programs: SIDE ONE: DISKCHECK It is useful for 2 primary types of situations: * Directory Damage * Using A Block Editor on a Disk For most uses, just boot the disk and give it the DEVICE NAME of the disk you wish to check. (i.e. .PROFILE). You will be asked where to send the information. That should probably NOT be to your printer. That's because DISKCHECK generates a lot of information needed only if you plan to use a block editor on the file. The program starts by displaying detailed block locations for each item in the directories on the file. Then it displays information concerning the overall status of the directories. IF THERE IS DIRECTORY DAMAGE on the device, AND there have not been overwrites (i.e. files written partially over other ones), DISKCHECK will ask if you want it to FIX your directories. If you say YES, it will fix the directories. If there are files which have written-over parts of other active files, (THIS IS RARE), you will definitely lose some data. But if you know something about file formats and how to use a block editor you can save most of them. As for block editors, you might want to try the one written by TAU's Dan Wade, which includes information about SOS directory format structure. This block editor is available thru WAP as is Daryl Anderson's Disk Window+. SIDE TWO: PROHEALTH This quick little program has no options. After booting, it displays one screen of very useful information concerning your profile. It tells its name, total number of blocks, number of blocks which have gone bad and number of spare blocks that are still available on the device, as well as number of normal blocks available (not written yet). This can diagnose whether your disk is about to go bad!
APPLE-3-WAP-rep-08a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-rep-08b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME : Vindicator and Fixer DISK ID : III.REP.08 BOOTABLE : Both Sides ON SIDE ONE: "VINDICATOR" is another RAM memory test program. It's a DOS-based program that will boot on your /// and is copyable - but not listable (use Copy //+ if you want to look at the code level). VINDICATOR will work on any /// up to 512K of memory. If you think you're having a RAM problem, run VINDICATOR overnight for best results. Does NOT give you a running count of home many runthroughs made. ON SIDE TWO: FIXER.0001 This program is intended to be used in emergency situations that arise from catastrophic failures to your CATALYST SYSTEM. The purpose is to allow you to use your ORIGINAL disk as a boot disk, after it has been LOCKED by the CATALYST installation procedure. This program UNLOCKS the ORIGINAL disk in such a manor that it can be reinstalled into CATALYST by reusing the installation procedure provided with CATALYST. After executing this program from Menu.Maker simply boot the floppy disk and use it as you normally would without the CATALYST SYSTEM. DISCLAIMER: THIS SOFTWARE PROVIDES NO WARRANTY AS TO ITS USEFULNESS OR PURPOSE. THE AUTHOR ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES THAT MAY RESULT FROM ITS USE. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
APPLE-3-WAP-rep-09a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-rep-09b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME : BLOCK EDITOR AND BLOCK BYTER DISK ID : APPLE-3-WAP-REP-09 BOOTABLE? BOTH SIDES SIDE ONE: BLOCK EDITOR This program allows you to change the contents of any block on a block device. Use it carefully, since making the wrong change on a diskette can render it unreadable. For demonstration purposes we suggest you use a scratch diskette. D)evice Set the device where the next read/write will take place. Usually it will be '.D1', '.D2', etc. B)lock Sets the block number for the next read/write. Usually 0-279. R)ead Reads in the block specified by 'device' and 'block'. W)rite Writes to the block specified by 'device' and 'block'. L)ist Lists out the contents of the last block read. Press any key to stop the listing. C)hange Changes the contents of a block that has already been read. 'Value CR' = change value, 'CR' = done changing, 'Space bar' = skip to next value SIDE TWO: BLOCKBYTER The BlockByter program contains two major segments: (1) The Block Editor allows you to read, edit, and print information in any block of a SOS, ProDOS, or DOS 3.3 disk. (2) The Cat Fixer attempts to recover files whose directories are damaged or overwritten . THE BLOCK EDITOR: displays the information in each block as text and as hexadecimal numbers. You may edit only the hexadecimal side of the screen. The program will write the changed block to the disk, read the revised block, and display it for verification. Note: You can edit ONLY the hexadecimal side of the screen. The text side will not reflect your edits until the program reads the revised data from the disk. Therefore, it's a good idea to P)rint the block before editing. If you make an error in your hexadecimal math you'll have a hard copy of the original block.} CAT FIXER: The Cat Fixer segment of the program works only with SOS or ProDOS disks. It identifies each map on a disk, reads the blocks on that map, and writes them to a new file on a new disk. Cat Fixer can restore text files on a disk whose directory was erased by a power surge, but it has also restored files when the original directory entry was replaced by the entry of a new file. In such cases, programs like Lazarus cannot restore the file, for they read the disk directory to find and restore the file. Cat Fixer uses only the map blocks of the disk. Do not use Cat Fixer as anything but a last resort, however. Because the program doesn't consult the directory, it doesn't know what kind of file it's copying. Every file produced by Cat Fixer is an ASCII file, for that's the most common file type. If your copied file doesn't work, use Pascal's A)lter command to change the file type. Cat Fixer requires a blank formatted disk in Drive 2 and your original damaged disk in Drive 1. (The program tells you when to switch disks.) Finally, you can specify the range of blocks which Cat Fixer should search for maps.
APPLE-3-WAP-rep-10a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-rep-10b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: JEPPSON DISASSEMBLER DISK ID : APPLE-3-WAP-REP-10 BOOTABLE? Side One SIDE ONE: Dr. Jeppson's Pascal program that will disassemble the Apple /// memory or any Apple /// file to its assembly language roots. For Advanced users only. To Use on a Hard Disk: Place all code files and data files under one sub-directory on your hard disk with the name : 'DISASSEMBLER'. Pascal text files are not needed. This program can be used with disk drives, but it is a pain!! Additional notes 02/01/86 This version of the Jeppson Disassembler contains the CREATE.CODE program that can take a disassembled Jeppson file and turn it into a compilable source.text file for the ///'s assembler. The program used after you have successfully disassembled a file. The program is self documenting, so just follow the instructions. - Updated from Pair Software version 2/1/94 SIDE TWO: JEPPSON DISASSEMBLER DATA AND SOURCE CODE FILES This side of disk APPLE-3-WAP-REP-10 contains the source code files for the Jeppson Disassembler. It's presented for those interested in wanting to examine or tinker with Dr. Jeppson's work. For more information, see "Peeking at the ///" in the August, 1982 "Softalk Magazine" (available in the WAP office or from Dave Ottalini.
APPLE-3-WAP-rep-11a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-rep-11b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: TICKTOCK DISK ID : APPLE-3-WAP-REP-11 BOOTABLE? Both Sides "TICKTOCK" is a small DOS 3.3 -based utility that will help you properly set your Apple /// clock. If you have a clock chip installed, it will simply tell you whether it is going too fast - or too slow. If you have a problem, you can easily fix it yourself. WHAT YOU"LL SEE To use TICKTOCK, simply insert the disk and reboot your system. The program is DOS-based and includes the software on disk to turn on the Apple // emulation mode. Once booted, at the top of the screen, you'll see: APPLE /// CLOCK CALIBRATION TEST Just below it will be: 1 Second Test (a number) You'll hear a "clock" ticking in the background throughout. Actually that's it. The "1 Second Test" will give you a number that is either + or -.; presumably your clock is either too fast or too slow based on that number, and should be adjusted accordingly. HOW TO ADJUST YOUR CLOCK The clock adjustment "pot" is located on the motherboard just next to the clock chip. You can get at it by taking off the cover of your keyboard and unscrewing the four screws holding the keyboard to the chassis. Lift it up and away from you, resting against the Apple /// case (still connected to the motherboard with the ribbon cable.) The pot is approximately under the "L" key and can be adjusted with a small (thin) flat-head screwdriver. I tried this on my ///+ and started with a 1 Second Test of +75. Adjusting the pot, I was able to get it down to +21. I would have to say the best you can do is get it as close to "0" as you can. THE ALTERNATIVE WAY IS TO: Use Business Basic to run this program: 10 VPOS=20:HPOS=10:Print TIME$;:GOTO 10 This will give you a continuous time print-out on screen, allowing you to adjust the clock potentiameter against a time source of your choosing. (Again - you'll have to have a clock chip installed and used System Utilities, Desktop Manager, Powerkeys or a Basic or Pascal program to set the proper time to start with.) In Washington DC, you can call the Naval Observatory for the atomic clock. That number is (202)-653-1800. The short program above is on this disk side for your convenience and can be run from Menu.Maker (you'll have to hit <CONTROL>+ "C" to end and then at the ")" prompt type "Run Menu.Maker" to return to MM. ENDING To stop the program, press the <RESET> and <ESCAPE> keys at the same time. You'll be returned to the familier "INSERT DISK AND REBOOT" message. MORE CLOCK INFORMATION: We've included a Three EZ Pieces data base on this disk listing all our PD disks with Apple /// clock-related files (CLOCK.PD). Another Data Base (CLOCK.ARTICLES) lists articles you might be interested in from past years. FINALLY Let the /// SIG know if you have any success with TICKTOCK and if you have any suggestions for using it. A ThreeWorks Database search turned up no articles or even mention of this program. Nor was there a mention even in the Apple /// Technical Reference Manual. TICKTOCK was found in the PD library of our old friend Joe Dobrowolski of Apple Users Group International fame. Dave Ottalini WAP /// SIG December 5, 1992 (updated a tad - April 17, 1995)
APPLE-3-WAP-rep-12a.dsk [Catalog] APPLE-3-WAP-rep-12b.dsk [Catalog] WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: DIRECTRAN BY DROB: DISK ID : APPLE-3-WAP-REP-12 BOOTABLE? BOTH SIDES The purpose of DIRECTRAN is to protect the root directory of your hard disc. Loss or unreadability of same for any reason is a major catastrophe as it renders the entire disc useless. DIRECTRAN transfers the root directory blocks of the hard disc to another location (on a floppy disc). If needed, these blocks can then be transferred to the proper location on the hard disc, restoring the root directory. It might be wise to make DIRECTRAN part of your shut down procedure so that the directory you save is current. DIRECTRAN requires the invoking of both REQUEST and BLOCK invokables. The program is self-explanatory. SIDE TWO: DISK /// SPEED TEST Disk /// Speed Test will test the speed of your internal disk drive. It is one of those "special" DOS 3.3/Integer Basic disks that will boot directly on your ///, but cannot be listed (except as noted below). You can make copies with System Utilities but not with Desktop Manager's Disk Manager utility. You can read this disk in Apple //e emulation (with the Titan ///+//e cards) with Copy //+... which shows there are actually four Integer Basic programs along with their associated Binary files. They are: Quick Disk Test; Read Write Test; Quick Seek Test and Speed Test. The Disk Motor Speed Adjust Program was written by WOZ himself for the Apple // and adapted for the ///. As run, the disk is actually made up of three tests: 1) Read/Write Function Test 2) Apple /// Quick Trak Test 3) Disk Motor Speed Adjust Program 1) This part of Disk /// Speed Test will write to and then read from traks 28 through 34. It will make two passes per trak. IF everything is OK it moves on to... 2) The Apple /// Quick Trak Test which lists in two rows all the traks on your disk. Row 1 is 0 to 17. Row 2 is 18 to 34. It checks off each track bottom to top in Row 1 and top to bottom in Row 2. IF everything is OK it moves on to: 3) The Disk Motor Speed Adjust Program which tells you whether the internal drive is too fast, too slow or just right. It will look like this: SLOW NORM FAST (-100) 0 (+100) ^ | (YOURS) (+/- ) Under "YOURS" you'll see the speed of your drive being registered with +'s or -"s. You can adjust the speed by adjusting the small potentiomenter on the smaller circuit board at the back of the disk drive. It is accessable if you take off your SARA's top cover and the aluminum cover on top of the disk drive. Try to get it as close to "0" as possible. You can also adjust other disk drives with a little extra work - open up your /// from the bottom, unplug the internal drive and plug in the external. To exit the program, simply press "Escape", which will take you into Integer Basic (NOW you can list this disk and see all the files mentioned above, load and list them.) Many thanks to Paul Campbell for contributing this program to our PD!